Dear IYC Members,
It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you of the decision to close our beloved club as of the AGM 2024. We have enjoyed many wonderful years together, filled with unforgettable experiences and camaraderie. However, after much consideration, it has become clear that we can no longer sustain the energy and participation needed to keep the club running.
The challenges we've faced—particularly the impacts of COVID-19 and the loss of boat owners—have taken a toll on our community. Despite my best efforts and countless hours dedicated to this club, we reached a point where a decision had to be made. The options to merge with another club or to dissolve were put to the members at the 2024 AGM, the minutes of which are posted in the members’ area under documents. As most of our members are now scattered around the Gulf Islands, the vote was overwhelmingly to dissolve, and members can choose which clubs suit their own needs best.
I encourage all of you to consider joining your local clubs, such as Point Roberts, which offers reasonable fees and would benefit greatly from your participation.
In a future without the club, we will post a meetup group of friends to rendezvous at different locations throughout the next years to come. Whether you have a boat or not, please join us—there will be opportunities to connect with fellow members on other boats.
We have formed committees to discuss where to allocate the remaining funds, in accordance with out club bylaws. Your input will be invaluable. Reach out quickly should you wish to participate. Our email address iycbc.ca@gmail.com will remain active.
Thank you all for your participation and the memories we've created together. Wishing you safe travels.
Warm regards,
Tracey Ganert
And all the wonderful members of the board
About Us
The International Yacht Club was launched in January of 1958. A group of interested boaters from Washington State and the Province of British Columbia successfully lobbied the Port Commission to provide moorage for pleasure boats in Blaine Harbor.
The International Yacht Club was involved, along with a large group of boating clubs, in the purchase of Sucia Island. This ensured preservation as a State Park. More recently, the Yacht club provided the funds to construct the picnic shelter at Fossil Bay on Sucia.
The International Yacht Club was based in Blaine until 1986 at which time it was transferred to White Rock to become the International Yacht Club of British Columbia, but still better known as IYC.
The Club’s goal is for like minded boating enthusiasts to enjoy our exceptional marine environment.
The IYC has an active racing program in Semiahmoo Bay, organized Cruises to various locations in the San Juan and Gulf Islands, dinner meetings and BBQs.
If you are interested in joining our Club or want more details, feel free to email us via the CONTACT form below.
While the International Yacht Club of BC (IYCBC) uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on the IYCBC.ca website, it makes no representations as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of that information, and you should not rely upon it. In using the website, you agree that its information and services are provided “as is, as available” without warranty, express or implied, and that you use this site at your own risk.